Thursday, 23 December 2010

Season's Wishes

PAWA consulting is closing down the the Christmas and New Year break. Best wishes to all our customers, associates and other readers.

Let us hope that 2011 is the year for a stronger economy after two difficult years.

all the best

Monday, 6 December 2010

Project Management Course

At fairly short notice, I am running a Project Management course for the University of Bradford School of Management SME Knowledge Network on Thursday 9th/Friday 10th December 2011.
This is a 2 day modular course targetted at SME and micro-businesses. The first day is an introduction to Project Management, and the second day goes into more detail of some of the tools and techniques and the problems that arise - dealing with variances, team managment, completion dates etc.

If you are interested, drop me a line and I shall get someone to sort out the details.