Tuesday, 22 June 2021

IChemE - What Engineers need to know about Contracts - 9/10 August 2021

 This regularly popular course is being run again by IChemE on 9th/10th August 2021 as 2 half day sessions.  The course is live to allow for discussion and interaction.  And of course, delivered by me.

We are sticking with online courses for the time being.  No doubt we shall go back to face to face training when it is safe and appropriate to do so.

Full details are here.

We are in discussions about some other courses - face to face when allowed or online, and as downloadable webinars.  Full details if and when go ahead.

Monday, 21 June 2021

New UK government best practices in procurement - Sourcing Playbook May 2021

 We are still waiting to hear what the new UK public procurement regulations will be - the Green Paper consultation finished in March 2021, and though I don't know any more than anyone else, I will be surprised if new legislation is in place much before the end of the year.

What is new though is the updated guides to some practical applications of procurement in UK government.  The Outsourcing Playbook has now become the Sourcing Playbook in its 3rd annual revision.  There are also good documents on bid evaluation, Should Cost modelling, and Competitive Dialogue.

All are at the link here.  Lots of good stuff for both public sector buyers, and those selling to the public sector.  And general procurement too, come to that.

I am less enamored of the recent Procurement Policy Note 5/21, which I don't think says much that is not obvious (Public Procurement should support public priorities. Really.)  But, there is nothing to really disagree with.