Tuesday, 25 February 2025

National Procurement Policy Statement - NPPS

 The new National Procurement Policy Statement has been published and I will be briefly discussing it at The Procurement Act Live! at the NEC on Thursday 27th February 2025.

Helpfully the NPPS was published about an hour after I had submitted my presentation for formatting (I'm not bitter...) but at least I have been able to update it appropriately.

The key element as I seem them are...

Kickstart Economic Growth

    Opportunities for SMEs (PPN 001 (2025)

    High quality jobs

    Encouraging Innovation

Make Britain a Green Energy superpower

    Accelerating to NetZero

Take back our streets

Break down barriers to opportunity

    Skills gaps

    Removing barriers to entry for young people and under represented groups

Build a NHS fit for the future

The NPPS is of course not QUITE National, as Scotland is not taking part in the PA2023 (yet), and Wales and Northern Ireland have some devolved procurement arrangements.  But nice to know the priorities.

Of the 5 elements I am not convinced that 2 really fit into Procurement Policy (I'm all in favour of taking back our streets, but is this a procurement priority?  And likewise I am a strong believer in [and patient of] the NHS, but surely that point is a government priority not a procurement priority (what is, say, MOD procurement [which is in the news at the moment] going to do to deliver improvements in the NHS?).  Those seem more like government priorities rather than procurement issues.

Of the 3 remaining, they all seem appropriate - but largely reminiscent of the original NPPS from June 2021 under a different administration.
    - Creating new businesses, new jobs and new skills in the UK
    - Tackling climate change and reducing waste 
    - Improving supplier diversity, innovation and resilience.

But that is not a bad thing as these are key challenges and knotty problems.

Hope to see you at NEC to discuss them in more detail (at the seminar or on the BIP Solutions stand)

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