Saturday, 19 April 2008

Current projects

This week Paul is running a week long Purchasing Negotiations workshop in Dubai. He is contactable after 1pm UK time, thanks to the 3 hour time difference.

At the moment we have a wide range of projects underway - as was highlighted in a communication with a government department. I think it gives a good indication of the scope of things that we tackle.

Current projects we are working on (April/May 08) include;
- mapping the sports industry in Yorkshire, with a particular focus on R&D activities
- developing the 2012 strategy for the UK Resource Centre for Women in Science Engineering and Technology
- Reviewing and auditing the Chemical Innovation Networks Sustainable Manufacturing Project for the Northern Way
- Lecturing in Negotiation in the Middle East
- Gathering output data for UKTI in the North East against ERDF targets (and also for a NW based medical incubator)
- Running a marketing tender process for Business Link NorthWest

Amusingly, on the way out to Dubai I was on the same plane as the Paul Wright who works for Sky - not the first time that we have been confused.

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